

Art. No. 10062213

3 Beoordelingen

โ‚ฌย 99,00 1


If you want to sit a little more comfortably behind the handlebars of your motorcycle, then it may be worth looking at a Raximo handlebar riser. Here, for example, the Raximo *Booster* made of CNC machined aluminum. It brings in height 30-80 mm. In consequence, however, you will sit much straighter, more upright behind the handlebars, which is particularly noticeable on longer routes positive for your back. The Raximo *Booster* are suitable for 22.2 mm handlebars.

  • Increase Variably adjustable by means of supplied spacers
  • 20mm to 80mm
  • for handlebars with 22mm diameter
  • Aluminum CNC milled, incl. cover
  • with ABE / TรœV no entry in the papers required
  • 3 distance bushings with 10mm, 20mm and 30mm included

Scope of delivery:
1x Raximo handlebar riser *booster*, left side
1x Raximo handlebar riser *booster*, right side
2 x spacer bushing 10mm
2 x spacer bushing 20mm
2 x spacer bushing 30mm
2 x screws M10 x 35mm
2 x screws M10 x 45mm
2 x screws M10 x 55mm
2 x screws M10 x 65mm
2 x screws M10 x 80mm
2 x washers 10mm
2 x self-locking nut M10
1 x ABE booklet with mounting instructions

Beoordelingen (3)
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